Education System in Uganda
The education system in Uganda comprises of 7 years of primary education, 6 years of secondary education comprising 4 years of lower secondary education and 2 years of upper secondary education, and 3 to 5 years of post secondary education.
The present system of education in Uganda was established in 1960s. In the school year 1999, about 6 million pupils were enrolled in primary schools; this shows a clear improvement, as enrollment in primary schools in 1986 was only 2 million. Only 40% primary school children join secondary school. There is arrangement of 3-year technical school for providing education at lower secondary level.
The options at upper secondary level includes-
- 2-3 year Technical institutes;
- 2 year Primary Teacher College (PTC) courses;
- Department Training Colleges (DTCs)
Every year nearly 12000 students complete upper secondary education but only a meager percentage about 25% joins university for higher education.
On November 19, 1962 Uganda Joined UNESCO. The UNESCO cluster office in Nairobi, Kenya covers the country. Uganda is undertaking some national and regional projects to improve the quality of education and offer guidance on setting up quality assurance especially at district and school levels.
Uganda plays vital role in the program on Guidance, Counseling, and Youth Development for Africa. An extra-budgetary project to improve capacity building among education leaders is being implemented in Uganda. Uganda holds two UNESCO Chairs and counts 22 schools in UNESCO's Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet). The UNESCO Institute for Statistics has conducted detailed study on education and literacy scenario in Uganda.